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Rulings, Errata, and Clarifications

1.) Players cannot trade after any player hits or passes the winning point threshold.

2.) For first-time players, we recommend setting the monster threshold at 12-15 and playing classic mode with 3-4 players. After the flow of the game rules are understood in classic, casual and solo mode provide further gameplay options.

3.) Rift Limit (Classic Mode variant recommended for 1v1): There's a Rift limit equal to the number of players minus one. At the beginning of a player's turn, if there are more cards in the Rift than the limit, that player shuffles the Rift cards and deals them face-down among both players, dealing the player who went last first. Players are dealt cards regardless if they don't have any cards they own in the Rift. In 1v1, the second player starts the game with an additional card in their hand. If at any time right before the Rift is dealt, a player may choose to not be dealt cards if they have no cards that are theirs in the Rift. For a more grindy experience, increase the Rift limit by one.

4.) The Demonmaster is not affected by the monster threshold and the Helllfire cataclysm cannot be combined with the discard mode.
5.) Only cards in your hand can be traded/bartered, nothing else. You may give a player cards without receiving any cards from them if that player accepts.

6.) The standard setup for the monster deck is 6x Goblins, Dragonling, Imp, Grimwood, Mawborn Specter, Reaperhound Guard, Giant Bloodbat, Lava Dragon, Doom Demon, and 1x Taavax, Dranas, Shadewalker, Nagic, Skywrath, Xurgar. A typical monster deck has 24 iron cards, 18 bronze cards, 12 silver cards, and 6 golds.

7.) Player elimination optional rules: Rather than have the surviving player duel monsters over multiple turns until they hit the point threshold or get eliminated, the surviving player just has to prove themselves for 1 turn. So if a player survives their turn after everyone else is eliminated, that player wins. This will make elimination victories a little easier to achieve. You could also play last man standing, where a player wins automatically if at any point all the other players are eliminated.

8.) In Turbo Draft, players replace their start decks with the cards they drafted and follow the casual mode setup and rulings.

9.) Guild deck construction: As can be found under "Iron," "Bronze," "Silver," and "Gold" in the Key Terms section of the rulebook, a starting guild always consists of 21 bronze cards with no more than 3 of the same bronze card, 6 silver cards with no more than 2 of the same silver card, and 3 different gold cards. 30 cards total. When customizing or creating a guild deck, all cards used must be from the same guild color, excluding solo mode.

10.) In solo mode, rather than build a new guild by combining cards from multiple factions, players may opt to use any of the starting guilds, although the monsters will be harder to defeat. This option also cuts out the guild-building experience that will be expanded upon in future releases. Players may choose to play with 0 retain cost.

11.) Rotating Rift (classic mode variant for 3+ players): There is a Rift token that starts with the first player. At the start of a player's turn, if that player has the Rift token, they shuffle and deal the Rift counter-clockwise, dealing themselves last (players are still not dealt cards if they have no cards of theirs in the Rift). After the Rift is dealt, the dealer passes the Rift token to the player counter-clockwise of them (the player on the right). After the Rift has been dealt and the token passes, that player then starts their turn as normal. Note that with this variant, players will get their cards quicker, the Rift will be smaller, and the shuffling/dealing of the Rift will occur more. We recommend turning the monster threshold down by one difficulty when playing with this variant. This variant can also be combined with the Rift Limit rule for a more customizable experience. For example, the player with the Rift token doesn't deal the Rift and pass the token at the start of their turn until their are more than X cards in the Rift, X being whatever players decide the Rift Limit is at the start of the game.



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